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OPERA Swing Visit at Assunta Hospital

Assunta Hospital recently had the honour of welcoming distinguished visitors from government sectors, including Dr. Norzaini Rose, Head of Radiology at the Ministry of Health Malaysia, and Dr. Yusri, Head of Radiology at Hospital Serdang, accompanied by representatives from Hospital Serdang and Hospital Kuala Lumpur.

The purpose of the educational visit was to gain valuable insights into the OPERA Swing, a cutting-edge digital radiography and fluoroscopy system that has been recently introduced at Assunta Hospital. We are proud to be the first hospital in Southeast Asia to adopt this innovative technology, which offers enhanced diagnostic accuracy and an improved patient experience.

Mr. Azizi, our Radiology Manager, led the educational tour, providing comprehensive information about the OPERA Swing and its user-friendly features, which benefit both clinicians and patients.

OPERA Swing provides advanced imaging and examination for the skeletal and lung systems, particularly for pediatric patients, and is capable of performing angiography procedures. It prioritizes safe, efficient, and accurate diagnostics while minimizing radiation exposure.

#OPERASwing #DigitalFluoroscopySystem #AssuntaHospital #NotForProfitHospital #AffordableCompassionate #PoorestOfThePoor #Assunta70Years #70YearsAnniversary #PlatinumJubilee