Heart disease can happen at any age
When to Seek for Medical Advice?
What are the warning symptoms?​

Slow, fast or irregular heartbeat

Chest pain, pressure, fullness, burning or tightness in the chest

Shortness of breath

Cold sweats, dizziness, fatigue and weakness

Swelling of the legs. ankles and feet

What is Cardiology
Heart disease is the number one killer in Malaysia and many countries around the world. Heart problems are usually associated with men because women produce certain hormones in their ovaries which have heart-protective properties.
After menopause, however, women are at equal risk of heart problems as men. The recent decade has seen tremendous leaps in cardiology, with more emphasis on interventional cardiology through advanced technologies to prevent or delay heart failure or a heart attack. Our dedicated cardiologists go beyond providing timely intervention and treatment for your heart problems, diligently following up with post-procedural care and lifestyle changes necessary to keep your heartbeathealthy for a longer time.
Services Options
- 12 lead resting ECG
- 24 hours ECG (Holter), loop ECG monitoring (1-4 weeks) and 24 hours Blood Pressure (BP) monitoring
- Exercise ECG (treadmill stress test)
- Echocardiogram – 2D, 3D and Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE)
- Stress echocardiogram – Treadmill and Dobutamine Stress echo (DSE)
- Coronary CT Angio (CCTA) & CT Calcium scoring
- Right and left heart catheterization
- Coronary angiogram and Angioplasty (PTCA)
- Peripheral vessel angiogram
- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA)
- Pacemaker & ICD implantation
- Other radiological interventional procedures, e.g. drainage, PICC cath insertion, embolization of bleeders, aneurysms and vascular mass