ENT Surgery
The ear, nose and throat are connected by the sinus network, which is why a cold or flu often results in a runny nose, sore throat and ear infection. ENT specialists (also known as otorhinolarygology) also look into throat and neck conditions such as infections and abnormal growths. Special devices are used to look into the ear, nose and throat to check for abnormalities and recommend treatment.
Services offered include:
- Sinus Surgery, e.g. FESS, Septoplasty, Turbinectomy, Baloon Sinoplasty
- Tonsillectomy / Adenoidectomy
- Myringoplasty / Myringotomy
- Ventilation Tubes – ET Tube Dilatation With Baloon
- Procedures for OSA
- Adenotonsillectomy – Endoscopic Adenoidectomy
- Paediatric Airway Procedures
- Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
- Surgery for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea,
- Otoplasty for Sleep Apnoea
- Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
- Tympanoplasty, Mastoid Surgery
- Salivary Gland Surgery – Parotid Submandibular
- Head and Neck Cancer Surgery
- Head and Neck Open Procedures
- Ca Larynx / Pharynx, Medi Radical Neck
- Excision / Resection Tracheal Stenosis, Laryngeal Papilloma
- General Otorhinolaryngology
- Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology
- Cryotherapy for Excessive Rhinorrhea
 ENT Surgeon
A doctor that diagnoses, treats conditions and problems related to the ear, nose and throat.