
The kidneys act as the body’s natural filters, eliminating excess water, salts and waste through the urine. Kidney problems can affect people of all ages. Failure to treat kidney problems will lead to end-stage kidney failure which needs haemodylisis, or a kidney transplant. Patients with kidney problems will also require dietary advice such as reducing liquid intake and diet changes.

Services offered include:
  • General Nephrology and Management of Haemodialysis
  • Ultrasound guided Implantation of Central Venous
  • Acute and Chronic Haemodialysis Catheter.
  • Ultrasound guided diagnostic Kidney Surgeries
  • Peritoneal Dialysis
  • Kidney Transplantation patients

Kidney & Dialysis Unit

Facilities & Services :

Haemodialysis Equipped with the latest equipments to provide safe and effective delivery of haemodialysis treatment. 3 sessions a day, Monday – Saturday ICU Dialysis

We also provide haemodialysis in ICU for critically ill patients
CAPD (Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis)

An alternative form of dialysis treatment is offered to selected patients CRRT (Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy)

A form of continuous dialysis treatment for critically ill patients with renal failure including patients with recent heart surgery and those with multiple organ failure in intensive care for life support treatment (24-26 hours per session

Our Nephrologists

Consultant Nephrologist
Dr Tan Hee Wu
MBBS(Mal), MRCP(UK), AM(Mal)
Consultant Physician & Nephrologist
Dr Thye Yuen Lin
MBBS(Man), M.Med(Mal), Renal Fellowship(Sydney)