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Treating Ischemic Stroke: Thrombectomy to Save Lives

For stroke patients, every second counts, and immediate medical intervention is essential. In cases of acute ischemic stroke, performing an arterial thrombectomy within six hours of onset can significantly improve recovery prospects and help patients regain independence.

The brain depends on a constant blood supply for the oxygen and nutrients it needs to survive. Arteries transport oxygenated blood from the heart and lungs to various parts of the brain. When one of these arteries is blocked, a stroke may occur. A stroke can also be caused by a weakened blood vessel wall that stretches and eventually ruptures. In either case, the result is reduced oxygen flow to the brain, leading to cell damage or death. This affects the areas of the body controlled by those brain cells, often causing functional impairment or even disability.

There are two main types of stroke: ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke, the more common type, occurs when a blood clot or other blockage obstructs a blood vessel in the brain. Hemorrhagic stroke, on the other hand, results from a blood vessel rupture causing bleeding in the brain. Dr. Mohd Fariq bin Mohd Yusof, a radiologist and interventional radiologist at Assunta Hospital, notes that some patients or their families may not recognize the severity of a stroke, sometimes delaying treatment by a day or two after symptoms begin. However, this delay can lead to irreversible damage because oxygen deprivation can cause brain tissue to die over time.

Brain tissue controls crucial bodily functions. If a stroke impacts the language center, it can lead to speech impairment and memory loss. If the motor control area is affected, it may cause partial paralysis, difficulty walking, and other lasting effects, severely impacting the patient’s ability to live independently. This can place a heavy caregiving and financial burden on families.

Since stroke is an emergency, Dr. Fariq urges the public, especially high-risk individuals, to remember the acronym “BEFAST” to identify early stroke symptoms. If even one of these symptoms appears, immediate medical care is crucial.

Treating Ischemic Stroke

When a stroke patient arrives at the hospital, a CT scan is performed to assess the severity and determine whether the stroke is hemorrhagic or ischemic. Time is of the essence in administering clot-dissolving drugs or performing a thrombectomy.

Dr. Fariq explains that, traditionally, patients with acute ischemic stroke needed to receive clot-dissolving medication within four hours of onset to dissolve the clot and restore blood flow. After treatment, patients are usually closely monitored for two to three days, observing their condition and assessing brain blood flow.

Over the past decade, arterial thrombectomy has emerged as a cutting-edge treatment for acute ischemic stroke. This minimally invasive technique involves inserting a microguidewire and microcatheter through an artery in the patient’s groin or wrist, which is then guided under X-ray to the blocked artery in the brain. Once the microguidewire and microcatheter reach the blockage, a stent is placed at the clot site to simultaneously aspirate and clear the clot, restoring blood flow. The procedure typically takes about an hour, allowing patients to resume eating, speaking, and walking as soon as the following day. Most patients are able to be discharged within three to four days.

Arterial thrombectomy, performed under local anesthesia, involves only a small incision (about 0.5–1 cm), allowing patients to return to daily activities quickly. This procedure aims to promptly restore blood supply to ischemic tissue, minimizing the extent of damage and reducing the risk of post-stroke complications. Unlike traditional surgery, thrombectomy does not require general anesthesia or opening the skull, which helps alleviate patients’ anxiety, especially among the elderly. Additionally, clot-dissolving drugs carry a risk of acute brain bleeding.

Lifestyle Changes to Lower Stroke Risk

According to statistics, stroke was Malaysia’s third leading cause of death in 2023 and is projected to become the second leading cause by 2040. Currently, 150 out of every 100,000 Malaysians are at risk of stroke, and the number of cases continues to rise.

Dr. Fariq stresses the importance of lifestyle modifications for both high-risk individuals and those who have experienced a stroke. Quitting smoking and alcohol, managing weight and stress, following a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and improving sleep can help keep blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight at healthy levels, reducing stroke risk.

BEFAST Symptoms of Stroke:

  • B (Balance): Sudden loss of balance or coordination.
  • E (Eyes): Sudden vision loss in one or both eyes, or double vision.
  • F (Face): Ask the person to smile; check if one side of the face droops.
  • A (Arms): Ask the person to raise both arms; see if one arm drifts downward.
  • S (Speech): Ask the person to repeat a sentence; listen for slurred or strange speech.
  • T (Time): Act fast; every second counts.








当患者送达医院将立即进行 CT 扫描,以评估严重程度并确认是出血还是缺血性中风。可以争取时间施打血栓溶解药物或是动脉取出血栓。
他指出,近十年来,动脉取栓术已成为治疗急性缺血性脑中风的先进方法。此技术利用微创脑导管,医生通过患者的鼠蹊部或手腕动脉插入微导丝和微导管,并在透视(X 射线技术)引导下将其导向大脑堵塞的动脉。

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莫哈末法里克医生 Dr Mohd Fariq bin Mohd Yusof